





Feel ~ Flow ~ Flourish ~

Somatic Activated Healing

Find liberation in your body

The elements of Somatic Activated Healing

  • At the start and end of every SAH session, we practice meditation to help us focus inward, return to our bodies, and shape the energy we emit.

  • Shaking our bodies thoroughly and unregulated resets and deregulates our nervous system.

  • Breathing mindfully and intentionally balances the mind-body connection, releases stress and toxins, and shifts our energy.

  • The creator of the SAH Method, Sah D’Simone, developed mindful movement to harness and release each of the 20 emotions we experience. Mindfully addressing our emotions with our bodies allows us to take control and find strength in them.

  • Unhinging and releasing ourselves to rhythm puts us in a flow state, igniting creativity and motivation. It empowers us to be our authentic selves.

Upcoming Group Sessions.

  • Group Sessions

    Virtual (LIVE) and in-person SAH with Areej sessions in Seattle, WA, designed to help heal every body

  • 1-on-1 Coaching

    Personalized coaching sessions to honor, address, and release what’s happening inside you

What people say about SAH with Areej

  • I have really enjoyed all of my sessions so far. Each session has been special and has left me feeling different both during and after. They have been a great way to start my day. I believe that the sessions combine a rare blend of mind, heart, and body work that is unique to each individual. They are powerful even if I sometimes feel like I can't explain why.

    SAH with Areej group session paticipant

  • A cathartic experience with self facilitation by a gifted healer. We don’t realize how much is stored in our bodies and how shaking and dancing it out can be freeing. Thank you

    SAH with Areej group session participant

Emotions are energy in motion


Emotions are energy in motion ≋

Unlocking the power of our emotions is vital to being present and open to all the magic life offers. We liberate ourselves from their grip by facing and moving through our emotions.
Embrace the freedom that comes with emotional release.